Monday, January 23, 2012

One Down, Two to Go!

This morning started out much like my weekend, standing in front of the mirror in our bathroom, brushing my teeth and holding back tears. Maxwell was happily sitting on the bed talking about how excited he was to ride in Tom's car today. Tom, dressing Max and wisely keeping a safe distance from me because he isn't sure if I’ll scream or cry if he attempts to have a conversation with me.

Honestly, I’m not sure how any of us survived the weekend without a major blow-up. It must be Tom's patience. Because I’m pretty sure that I'm losing my mind lately. Tom picked up dinner Friday night and I asked him to grab me a salad with chicken. Well he forgot the chicken. This diet has left me feeling a little on the empty side, and sick of veggies. I cried when he handed me a bowl full of lettuce. :) I was exhausted after working all day, the last thing I wanted to do was make chicken.  In retrospect, Maxwell and I are acting a lot alike these days, with huge crying fits and major mood swings. Despite that, both of us survived the weekend without getting spanked although we both deserved it at some point.

On to today. I survived day one of nuclear medicine. I reported to the hospital at 8am this morning, was registered, and escorted to the third floor of Mercy, The Nuclear Medicine dept. I took my seat in a room with about 9 other cancer patients, most of them in hospital gowns with IV's in their arms. I sat quietly in a chair next to an older woman, who was like me, silently crying. Both of us sitting there next to one another, pretending not to cry, wiping the tears away before they fell down our cheeks.  No one said a word, we all just sat there pretending not to cry. Some did crossword puzzles, others knitted, I cried.

Amy, the sweet woman I spoke with to schedule my appointments, appeared in the doorway and called my name. I wanted to run into her arms and cry on her shoulder. I followed Amy into a large room with 7 or 8 huge machines with people getting radiation treatment, or scans, I’m not really sure which. This room must be what hell looks like. I sat down in a chair in front of Amy and started to cry. Not the nice silent cry I had just done in the waiting room, oh no, this was the kind cry where you moan and snot and spit constrict your airways for a moment, and you do the quick double breath thing. The kinda cry where you try to talk but whatever you say sounds like a cow being murdered. Yeah, that kinda cry. Anyway, I stopped crying long enough to swallow 7 little pills and was moved into an office with a lady by the name of Pat who looked a lot like my Grandmother. Pat hugged me the moment I walked into her office and asked me why I was so upset. She cracked a few jokes and make me laugh. Just what I needed. Pat explained what was going to happen on my next few visits and asked to see pictures of the kids. She was awesome, and I am so thankful for her personality. She asked me all the standard questions leading up to the test and treatments, including if I could be pregnant. Um. Gee, Pat, I sure hope not. She asked me if i remembered the last time I had sex... I responded "Sure I do, do you remember the last time you had sex?" Clearly, she was trying to determine if there were any chance I could be pregnant, but having a conversation about my sex life or lack thereof, with a woman who looked like my Grandmother was absolutely hilarious to me. She said " NO SEX until I say so, you got it"? I told her to get outta my bedroom, Pat! "I'll sex when I want!" She was a great sport and I'm actually looking forward to seeing her tomorrow so I can ask her if she's had sex lately. All I could think of when she was talking to me about sex was the SNL "Just had sex" skit. Wonder if Pat's seen it? :)

Tomorrow I check back in at Mercy at 6am for my body scan. I'm not looking forward to spending an extended period of time stuck in a tube, but it should make for a good blog. Wish me luck.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The calm before the storm...

I'm scheduled! I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this news! I'm excited to be moving forward, but scared to death about what lies ahead. Next week is going to look something like this:

Monday - Report to Mercy Medical Center at 8 am to take 7 capsules. I'll come into work after and be able to work a full day.

Tuesday- Report to Mercy at 6 am! 6AM! to have a two hour whole body scan. This is going to be the day they determine if my cancer has spread, and how much treatment I’ll need.

Wednesday - Treatment at Mercy. Not sure of a time just yet. What I do know about this day is that I’ll leave there a bright green ball, with a sign around my neck that looks something similar to this...
Does this stuff come with superpowers?

All the kids are home this weekend, so hopefully I’ll be busy chasing them around. Maxers will be going to Mom-Mom and Pop's next week. Man, I feel like the worst mother EVER when I have to ship him off. Luckily he enjoys them and would probably rather be there anyway. Must be all the diet coke and cookies.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I got nothing..

This isn't much of an update, friends. Since my Doc was on the west coast yesterday, the office couldn't schedule my scans without speaking to him first.
I'm sure the girls at his office hate me, due to my repeated phone calls today. I have to have a whole body scan to find out if the cancer is spread to any other parts of my body. This is usually done the day before treatment. I'm lucky in that, I should only have to have one treatment of radiation if it hasn't spread. The downside is that this dose of poison is a pill, and depending on the dosage, I’ll be quarantined for at least days.

Today went something like this:

9:05am "Any word from radiation?" "No"
10:30am "Any word from radiation?" "No"
12:00pm "We are out to lunch"
1:30pm "Any word from radiation?" "No"
3:30pm "Any word from radiation?" "No"
4:50pm "Any word from radiation?" " Looks like it'll be next week"

I did end up coming into the office, and I'm glad I did. My co-workers and boss can always make me laugh, even when I'm feeling sorry for my cancer-having-self.

And, back to waiting.
I just spoke with my friend Heather, who welcomed Baby Beckett into the world today. The best part of not having my treatments this week is being able to visit with him this weekend. Thankful!

Waiting, Waiting, and more Waiting

I feel so horrible. I've come off of my thyroid medication to prepare for my radiation treatment. I've been having blood taken every three days. My levels have to be at a magic number, 25 before my treatments can start. Yesterday, I received the call that I've finally made it to 25. Whoooo!

In addition to coming off of my little white pills, I've had to go on a low iodine diet. This diet sucks. I'm allowed 4 oz. of meat a day and all of the fruits and veggies I can eat. When this is over you can find me at the nearest taco bell. I'm freaking starving!

Yesterday I felt so terrible that I left work early. I've gotten 14 hours of sleep and still feel totally drained. I'm attempting to rally and go in today since it may be my last day of work for a week or so, but my body doesn't want to move off of this couch. It's hard to describe exactly how I feel, honestly. It's a mixture of complete exhaustion and severe muscle pain. Plus, I've become clumsier than normal, and have fallen down my stairs not once, but twice. Look out below!

I'm waiting on a call from my doctor today to schedule a day for my treatments. It will either be tomorrow or Monday. Fingers crossed it's sooner rather then later.
I'll keep you all in the loop.

Thanks again for your continued love and support. Those close to me know that this has been a horrible week for all involved. A special thanks to Tom and my mom who are often on the receiving end of my rants and raves. They both deserve medals.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

False Alarm!

Okay, so all of my teeth are still in tact, at least for the next 14 hours, anyway.

I mentioned in my last post that I had a consultation with my mom's periodontist, Dr. Richard Gartner. He referred me to an oral surgeon in Bowie, and assured me that he was the best in his field. Dr. Gartner is very thorough and patient. He took the time to listen when all of my other doctors refused to think outside the box. Dr. G, if you read this, I want to thank you. Just knowing that I have you in my corner makes me finally feel like I will eventually overcome all of this pain.

In walks Dr.Z
I showed up to my appointment in Bowie with Dr.Z and walked into an office that looked like a boutique hotel in NYC. I wondered to myself if the person responsible for decorating would come to my house and help me decorate. Lord knows I need all the help I can get and I'm not above playing the cancer card at this point. I filled out a few forms for my records. It's still unnervering answering "Yes" to the "Do you have cancer" question on medical history forms.

I was taken back into a beautiful office by very friendly staff and offered a drink (more attention than I get at home). Dr. Z came in and we began to talk about why I was there and my history. If I wasn't so nervous about the possibilty that he was going to be yanking teeth out of my mouth, I would swear I was just having a chat with an old friend. I had a panoramic CT scan of my face and teeth and had an exam. Dr. Z opened the pictures on his computer and he went through them with me. The technology that his office has is beyond impressive. We concluded that my tooth does have to come out, and that the swelling in my face, is in fact my cheek bone. Why? I'm not exactly sure yet, but it's a step in the right direction. I'm scheduled to have my tooth removed tomorrow at 11. Tom's driving me since I'll be put to sleep.
If you need any dental work, I highly recommend Dr. Z.

I'm praying that after tomorrow I won't have to throw this much money at any dentist or tooth ever again.
Running total for this damn tooth:

- Dental visit 1. $150.00
- Dental visit 2 $150.00
- Root cannal $1000.00
- Dental visit 3 $70.00
- Dental visit 4 $300.00
- Tooth extraction $873.00
Toal: $2,543.00
This money doesn't include all of the co-pays that I've paid for my surgeries, doctor visits, and RX's the past few months. HAVING CANCER IS EXPENSIVE!

Man, I can't wait for all of this to be over. I eat, sleep, and breathe cancer these days. Talking about it helps, but it's all I seem to talk about. I know Tom is sick of hearing about it. I've managed to keep a positive attitude most days. The other days I'm a total bitch.
I've committed to run The Ulman Cancer Fund's Cancer to 5K this summer. I'll post more about this and Ulman in an upcoming blog. When I start my radiation, I'll be quarantined, so I'll have lots of time to blog about all kinds of crazy things. :) For those who know me, the thought of me running in any kind of race is hilarious. Run Forrest, run!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Long Time no Blog!

I can't believe it's been a month since my last blog post. I'm back to work full time and have been completely preoccupied with the holidays and such.
The last month has been like a visit to hell and back. Once my neck started to feel better the left side of my face blew up and I started getting really bad migraines. I had an appointment with my cancer doctor the last week of December, and he could see what bad shape i was in. We decided that we would wait another month to begin my radiation.

Today, I’m having a tooth pulled. YES! Over the past few months I’ve seen at least 6 different dentists all with differing opinions about my facial pain. My Mom suggested that I pay a visit to her Periodontitis, because even though he may not be able to help me, he will at least take the time to listen and maybe point me in the right direction. After having one meeting with him, he initiated a conference call with all of my other doctors and developed a plan of attack. Thank goodness for him!

I'm going back to the cancer doctor in a week, and at that point I’ll have to stop my thyroid medication, and go on a low iodine diet, in preparation for my radiation treatment. I'll be off of my meds for about two weeks.

Sorry to cut this blog short, but I have to scoot out of here to get some teeth yanked out! Wish me luck! Toothless Annie, out.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day Three; Generous Gift!

I got an unexpected phone call this afternoon from a lady with The Maids cleaning service letting me know that someone had arranged to have our house professionally cleaned. Support and generosity has come from unexpected places during my recovery. A great friend from high school whom I've lost touch with over the years has reached out and into his wallet to extend well wishes my way. Eric Schlueter is the man behind the mop, or arranging for it. I was shocked and touched by Eric's generosity. His girlfriend, Melissa, is one lucky girl. Thank you Eric!

The generous gift from Eric was welcome news after the day I had yesterday. What was supposed to be the simple task of removing the bandage from my neck turned into a mental meltdown and a trip to the doctor's office. Let me preface this episode by saying that yesterday sucked majorly. I feel like I'm not only recovering from surgery, but also recovering from that truck that ran me over. Did anyone get the license plate? Honestly, yesterday was horrible. I felt like I had the flu all day. I was cold and hot and restless and more than anything just tired.

Anyway, I worked up the courage to take off the bandage and realized that it was stuck to the steri-strips covering my incision. I couldn't figure out how to peel off the bandage without taking the steri-strips with it. They are not supposed to come off so soon. I called Tom into the bathroom for mental support as I tried to figure out how to get the stupid bandage off. Mental support isn't Tom's thing and he immediately volunteered to start cutting with a pair of scissors he had stashed in the vanity. No thank you. I told Tom no and to just give me a minute. He left me even more panicked than before. I called him back in to look at it again and I freaked out again and wouldn't let him look at it. I blame the meds, but I was just plain crazy. I called the doctor and they told me to come in to see them. Needless to say, Tom was not too happy with me. He didn't say a word to me on the 25 minute drive from Catonsville to Glen Burnie. Looking back, I guess I can't blame him. He was in a lose-lose situation and no matter what he did or said I was panicked. Tom, I love you. Thank you for putting up with my madness.

I spent most of the morning with my cousin Amanda, who drove all the way from Hanover, PA to pay me a visit. We don't see one another as often as I like and I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with her today.

I'm feeling slightly better this afternoon. The Mack truck that ran me over yesterday has been replaced by a small SUV. I can't help but feel slightly defeated after this last surgery. My recovery is going to be longer and harder this time. Not only am I dealing with the soreness and pain from surgery, but also, my body is reacting to the fact that I've had a very important gland removed. I've lost my thyroid, now I'm just trying to avoid losing my mind.